"Murphy Has Come and His Law is that of the Land" | Cyber Patterns Podcast: Episode #25
A conversation with Jason Levin on Digital Identity, Writing, Truth, Institutions, and the Idea of "You"
The below excerpt comes from a previous edition of White Noise:
Longtime readers know full well that White Noise is more personal scribblings than professional memos. This is intentional.
Delving into the very nature of our behavior and psyche—namely, what we do and why we do it—interests me much more than “leveraging synergies” or “boiling the ocean.”
Unfortunately, I feel that most of what we consider contemporary, professional work resembles the above phrases; it is obscure, futile, and light on real meaning.
It is jargon writ large—professional patina lazily smeared atop muddled thought and unclear purpose.
It is confusion masquerading as cogency, bullshit impersonating bravado.
It reigns supreme in the harshly-lit, drop-ceilinged offices of old.
This is not to say that it is bad, just (mostly) banal and boring. After all, we work for pay, not play.
Luckily, the above does not describe the “work” that is my adventures and explorations within the wonderful world of web3.
I mention the above because via writing online (how else?!) I met writer, podcaster, and cryptophile extraordinaire Jason Levin who kindly invited me to discuss the interesting times in which we find ourselves.
Amongst other things, we explore:
Friendship before, during, and after college
The origins of White Noise
Forthcoming White Noise pieces
"Ode to New York”
“It’s Masks All the Way Down”
Identity in a world where one’s analog and digital existence is fast-becoming one and the same
Truth (or lack thereof) in our modern world
And much, much more…
If of interest, I invite you to listen along:
Per my about page, White Noise is a work of experimentation. I view it as a sort of thinking aloud, a stress testing of my nascent ideas. Through it, I hope to sharpen my opinions against the whetstone of other people’s feedback, commentary, and input.
If you want to discuss any of the ideas or musings mentioned above or have any books, papers, or links that you think would be interesting to share on a future edition of White Noise, please reach out to me by replying to this email or following me on Twitter.
With sincere gratitude,