It's terrible and I worry it's going to get worse on all kinds of metrics. I think we're about to see the true evil potential of faked pictures, and videos, misinformation, and every form of deception. All of this will make it difficult to even know what other evils are being committed. So while the actual murders, rapes, and kidnappings are far worse, it will be difficult to know which of these crimes are actually being committed.

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I agree with you. AI's rapid progression makes me think of Jeff Goldblum's classic line from Jurassic Park: "[Y]our scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn't stop to think if they should."

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The lack of open discourse in campus speech and the censorship in the press and MSM (from every side of the aisle) leads to ignorant groupthink coming out of our greatest universities. How are students supposed to feel encouraged to do their own research and contribute fresh and contradictory opinions when the bulk of these are shot down as hate speech or misinformation the second they are presented? This is not too defend any of these student groups or their rhetoric over the past couple of weeks, but rather a reflection on how we have gotten here.

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Well said!!!!!

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Thank you!

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> The noisy few must not drown out the decent majority.

Yes, that's a great point. The noisy few terrorists must not drown out the decent majority of Palestinians who merely wish to live in peaceful conditions without threat of military action from a neighboring state.

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What is in good shape is the hypocrisy of American conservatives, ignoring casually the bombing and the raping of civilians by Israel, that has happened for decades.


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